Canine Hoopers @ Fair City Dog Training Club


Hoopers is a fun dog sport for everyone regardless of ability. Dogs must navigate hoops, tunnels, and barrels without the risks of injury. It is similar to agility courses but without the tight turns and is great for a bonding experience with your dog. 


Many pet owners will feel happier about choosing an event such as Canine Hoopers over an agility course due to the positive benefits it can bring to your dog. 

  • You communicate with your dog by navigating hoops, tunnels and barrels 
  • Working with as much distance handling as possible
  • There are no jumps or sharp turns
  • Following a course of hoops
  • Go around barrels
  • Run over Tango mats (Touch and Go)
  • Travel through tunnels 


Almost every dog and owner can get involved. You will see old dogs and young puppies which is great for socialisation especially for the younger ones. Canine Hoopers training requires you to work methodically on your communication and holding your dogs attention. When your dog first comes into contact with the items used in training, you will more than likely have a good laugh at the start. This is because they may run around instead of through and walk passed instead of going over the different obstacles. This is good news though as you will be able to see the changes as your training slowly starts to improve as you attend each session.

The positive benefits this training can bring to your pup include increased confidence and they can slowly build up independence which is amazing to see in a puppy. We loved the fact that it is all low impact training rather than jumping straight into high impact agility courses. If your dog is big and heavy then injuries can occur easily and this is a great alternative for you. Likewise, many pets with arthritic conditions have been seen attending this kind of training too.

it gets better because much of the training can be carried on at home as some of the items used are not overly expensive. 

Your involvement will be from a short distance at the start with a focus on verbal and visual cues which means you will improve as a team thanks to this communication and bonding time. It also means this event is possible for those even with limited mobility which is why it is open to all.